| Volume 17, Issue 5 01 September 2023 |
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| | | | | | Label-free microfluidic isolation of functional and viable lymphocytes from peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Abhishek Raj,Katily Ramirez,Katherine M. Young,Nicholas Stone,Peter Shankles,Mehdia Nadeem Rajab Ali,Anthony Malik Compton,Wilbur Lam,Alexander Alexeev,Todd Sulchek Biomicrofluidics 17, 054102 (2023) Read the article → |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Erratum: "Microfluidic-to-macrofluidic: A simple in vitro model of atherosclerosis induced by fluidic stimulation" [Biomicrofluidics 17, 044106 (2023)]
Jingang Cui,Wei Jiang,Jilei Su,Jiazhen Zhang,Yongliang Yu,Yongsheng Ding Biomicrofluidics 17, 059901 (2023) Read the article → | | | |
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