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Asri Widowati, Insih Wilujeng, Dadan Rosana, Laifa Rahmawati, Widodo Setiyo Wibowo, and Didik Setyawarno AIP Conference Proceedings 2600, 000001 (2022) Read the article → | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Global Voices in Science: Are We Listening?
Alok Kumar The Physics Teacher 61, 22 (2023) Read the article → | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | An invitation to practice self-compassion
Ashley Potvin The Physics Teacher 61, 88 (2023) Read the article → | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Preface: International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2021)
Achmad Samsudin, Lilik Hasanah, Galuh Yuliani, Mimin Iryanti, Yohanes Freadyanus Kasi, Ari Syahidul Shidiq, and Lilit Rusyati AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 010001 (2022) Read the article → | | | | List of Committees: International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2021)
Achmad Samsudin, Lilik Hasanah, Galuh Yuliani, Mimin Iryanti, Yohanes Freadyanus Kasi, Ari Syahidul Shidiq, and Lilit Rusyati AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 010002 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Analysis of the quality of visual representation of electronic school book (ESB) on biology subjects at senior high school
Ariska Mifianita, Slamet Suyanto, and Tien Aminatun AIP Conference Proceedings 2600, 020001 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Analysis of natural intelligence in first grade student's book theme 7: Objects, animals, and plants around me by Sonya Sinyanyuri and Lubna Assagaf
Anatri Desstya, and Yunita Wisandari AIP Conference Proceedings 2600, 020002 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Graphical analyzer for misconception of angle 45° as optimal angle of projectile motion
Rena Denya Agustina, Winda Setya, Adam Malik, Riki Purnama Putra, Shidiq Andhika, Annisa Nurul Fitriani, and Yunissa Cesariyanti AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 020003 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Sustainability awareness profile of junior high school student in Riau Province
Rika Ruslindawati, Alma Fauziah, Fera Venita, Desi Suryanti, and Berry Kurnia Vilmala AIP Conference Proceedings 2600, 020004 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Hypothetical planet in the asteroid belt: An undergraduate exercise in celestial mechanics
Judhistira Aria Utama, Lala Septem Riza, and Taufiq Hidayat AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 020005 (2022) Read the article → | | | | 3-dimensional scientific literacy assessment framework for senior high school science program students
Purwo Susongko, Mobinta Kusuma, and Yuni Arfiani AIP Conference Proceedings 2600, 020006 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Analysis of students' mental models through the level understanding on the concept of straight motion kinematics graphics
Alifudin Khumaidi, Sentot Kusairi, Hari Wisodo, and Nasrudin AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 020006 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Analysis of students' understanding and difficulty on vector concept through modelling instruction with formative e-assesment
Alifudin Khumaidi, Sentot Kusairi, Hari Wisodo, and Nasrudin AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 020007 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Optimizing technology in distance learning for enhancing communication skills
Astuti Wijayanti, Devi Septiani, and Dhimas Nur Setyawan AIP Conference Proceedings 2600, 020007 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Competency evaluation of high school student impulse momentum concept representation in distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic
Siti Rahmah, Parlindungan Sinaga, and Andhy Setiawan AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 020008 (2022) Read the article → | | | | The "Sciencemopoly Game" to improve junior high school students' learning motivation on the digestive system topic
Muriani Nur Hayati, M. Aji Fatkhurrohman, and Nur Aprillia AIP Conference Proceedings 2600, 020008 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Development of a practicum tool to analyze the angular speed and direction of the wheel's movement
Adam Malik, Aulia Virayani, Filsa Abu Bakar Asyari, Gina Sonia, Kautsar Falah Zafira, Rena Denya Agustina, and Winda Setya AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 020009 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Profil of science literacy skill of junior high school student on energy materials in living systems in online learning
Milda, Suyono, Yuni Sri Rahayu, Eko Hariyono, Binar Kurnia Prahani, and Syubhan Annur AIP Conference Proceedings 2600, 020009 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Fundamental physics lecture program for enhancing mathematics model construction and graph representation skills
Dede Trie Kurniawan, Andi Suhandi, Ida Kaniawati, and Dadi Rusdiana AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 020010 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Students' awareness of green school implementation to support the education for sustainable development (ESD)
Ade Apriani, R. Ferina Intan Lusia, Hadi Purwanto, Agus Minarti, and Neng Sholihat AIP Conference Proceedings 2600, 020010 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Digital-age literacy in Indonesia: A systematic literature review using VOSViewer
Afandi, Kurnia Ningsih, Atika Hufiah, Anik Roslina Rosyadi, and Cornelia AIP Conference Proceedings 2600, 020011 (2022) Read the article → | | | | KINETIC'S as an innovative learning media based on Android in thermodynamic
Diah Mulhayatiah, Kamal Abdullah, Danti Mardianti, Herni Yuniarti Suhendi, Dindin Nasrudin, and Adam Malik AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 020011 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Development of science comic learning media as resource for independent learning of human respiratory system materials
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