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Ashley Potvin The Physics Teacher 61, 88 (2023) Read the article → | | | |
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Roma Ghai, Kandasamy Nagarajan, Tejesvi Mishra, Srishti Vats, and Abhimanyu Kaushik AIP Conference Proceedings 2597, 020001 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Competency evaluation of high school student impulse momentum concept representation in distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic
Siti Rahmah, Parlindungan Sinaga, and Andhy Setiawan AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 020008 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Methodological toolset for assessing the level of balance of the Eastern large region of Russia in the development of renewable energy sector
Dmitry Dvinin, and Alexey Davankov AIP Conference Proceedings 2762, 020008 (2022) Read the article → | | | | The "Sciencemopoly Game" to improve junior high school students' learning motivation on the digestive system topic
Muriani Nur Hayati, M. Aji Fatkhurrohman, and Nur Aprillia AIP Conference Proceedings 2600, 020008 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Profil of science literacy skill of junior high school student on energy materials in living systems in online learning
Milda, Suyono, Yuni Sri Rahayu, Eko Hariyono, Binar Kurnia Prahani, and Syubhan Annur AIP Conference Proceedings 2600, 020009 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Digital-age literacy in Indonesia: A systematic literature review using VOSViewer
Afandi, Kurnia Ningsih, Atika Hufiah, Anik Roslina Rosyadi, and Cornelia AIP Conference Proceedings 2600, 020011 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Development of science comic learning media as resource for independent learning of human respiratory system materials
Hilda Syarofa, Eko Widodo, Asri Widowati, and Widodo Setiyo Wibowo AIP Conference Proceedings 2600, 020012 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Preservice physics teachers' laboratory project design: Arduino-based creativity
Wahyuni Handayani, and Winda Setya AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 020012 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Outdoor learning-based edupreneur science on waste processing materials
Laily Rochmawati Listiyani, Ani Widyawati, Astuti Wijayanti, Tias Ernawati, and Susanti AIP Conference Proceedings 2600, 020013 (2022) Read the article → | | | | The effectiveness of kinematics worksheets based instructions virtual phenomenon to improve science process skills and conceptual understanding of pre-service physics teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Yanti Sofi Makiyah, Adam Malik, Dwi Sulistyaningsih, and Ernita Susanti AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 020014 (2022) Read the article → | | | | To the problem of technogenic safety of electrical installations at the objects
T. V. Eryomina, I. A. Galeguzova, I. A. Shanygin, D. E. Dasheev, and N. V. Aleksandrov AIP Conference Proceedings 2762, 020014 (2022) Read the article → | | | | The effectiveness of using e-book based on multimodal representation and technological and pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) to improve ICT literacy of physics teacher
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Nishfi Nurlaelati Qodari, Parlindungan Sinaga, and Endi Suhendi AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 020022 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Online learning during Covid-19 pandemic: How about scientific process skills of students?
Royhanun Athiyyah, Achmad Samsudin, and Selly Feranie AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 020026 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Student difficulties in the characteristics of mechanical waves: A case study of online learning in the Covid-19 pandemic era
Ratih Niela Wulandari, Sentot Kusairi, and Sutopo Sutopo AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 020029 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Comparing of the effectiveness of virtual laboratory and real laboratory during the Covid-19 pandemic in vector material in high school
Annisa Nurjannah, Parlindungan Sinaga, and M. G. Purwanto AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 020032 (2022) Read the article → | | | | ESD based environmental pollution learning design for junior high school students
Nico Maruli, Anggita Jasma Apriyola, Delsi Amelia, and Ida Kaniawati AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 020037 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Profile analysis of student's concept mastery using Rasch model on Newton's law subject
Rita Febriana, Selly Feranie, and Ida Kaniawati AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 020038 (2022) Read the article → | | | |
| Inventory of high school students' critical thinking skills in online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic on momentum and impulse material in Subang Regency
Azmy Almas Dalila, Parlindungan Sinaga, Winny Liliawati, Andhy Setiawan, Lyra Halimatun Sa'diyah, Kokom Komalasari, and Fini Alfionita Umar AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 020040 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Analysis of students research skill and affective character in microbiology class through mini research-based learning during the Covid-19 pandemic
Ali Mustofa, and Supiana Dian Nurtjahyani AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 030001 (2022) Read the article → | | | | The implementation of "Kurikulum 2013" in natural sciences of junior high school during Covid-19 pandemic in Bantul Regency
Putri Anjarsari, Zuhdan Kun Prasetyo, Joko Sudomo, and Muhammad Sidiq Saputra AIP Conference Proceedings 2600, 030001 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Argumentative peer review as an effort to improve scientific writing skills on laboratory reports from home during the pandemic time of Covid-19
Evi Roviati, Dede Cahyati Sahrir, and Muhimatul Umami AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 030002 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Animal subjects on science curriculum in ASEAN countries: Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Philippines
Sariyah, Asri Widowati, and Arina Zaida Ilma AIP Conference Proceedings 2600, 030003 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Content analysis of science curriculum on plant subjects in different countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Caribbean
Arina Zaida Ilma, Asri Widowati, and Sariyah AIP Conference Proceedings 2600, 030004 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Effective learning media in online biology learning anticipating Covid-19: A literature review
Wahyu Purnamasari, and I. Gusti Putu Suryadarma AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 030004 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Examining students' scientific attitude in biotechnology topic
Mia Wulansani, Yayan Sanjaya, and Lilit Rusyati AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 030005 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Review on: "Design & development of healthcare patient monitoring system using cloud computing environment"
Sonal Bawankule, and Rekha Shahapurkar AIP Conference Proceedings 2597, 030005 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Mastery of biodiversity literacy content knowledge of junior high school teachers through the implementation of textbooks containing local potency of West Java
Hasna Nuraeni, Nuryani Y. Rustaman, Topik Hidayat, and Saefudin AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 030008 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Online learning supported by digital comics: The effect on students' critical thinking skills during COVID-19
Insar Damopolii, Fridolin Febrianto Paiki, Ihsan Fauzi, and Jan Hendriek Nunaki AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 030009 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Creative thinking skills of students in determining ideas for development biology learning media in the light of Covid-19
A. Yuniarti AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 030012 (2022) Read the article → | | | | The assessment of evaluating and designing scientific enquiry skills profile in senior high school level on COVID-19 pandemic content
Wiwin Kurniasih, Ana Ratna Wulan, and Eni Nuraeni AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 030013 (2022) Read the article → | | | | The development of an inquiry-based catalase enzyme virtual laboratory for improving students' science process skills
Nadia Nadia, Bambang Supriatno, and Kusnadi Kusnadi AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 030014 (2022) Read the article → | | | | The development of learning media based markerless augmented reality (AR) in cell organelle sub concept
Muhammad Ihsan, Sumiyati Saadah, and Meti Maspupah AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 030015 (2022) Read the article → | | | | The effectiveness of the problem based learning model with augmented reality media to enhance student critical thinking skills in online learning
Firman Agustiawan, and Heru Nurcahyo AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 030017 (2022) Read the article → | | | | The evaluation of online process and reference to teach biology in pandemic era to improve learning process at Hamzanwadi University
Baiq Fatmawati AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 030019 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Use of investigative practicum to improve ocean literacy for student
Uswatun Khasanah Arifin, Sri Anggraeni, and Rini Solihat AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 030022 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Utilization of eco enzyme (EE) for polluted pond water purification: Development of mini research-based practical materials
Eliya Mei Sisri, and Hertien Koosbandiah Surtikanti AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 030023 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Validity of project-based interactive digital book of biology learning strategy and design course
D. Susanti, L. Y. Sari, and V. Fitriani AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 030025 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Utilization of manure waste at Cinta Rasa village farmers in Garut Regency as maggot black solder fly (BSF) feed for bioconversion
Yayan Sanjaya, Suhara, Mimin Nurjani, and Mimi halimah AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 030028 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Synthesis of 3-(4'-nitrophenyl)-4,5-dihydro pyrazole-based and its in-vitro antibacterial test
Lina Fauzi'ah, and Tutik Dwi Wahyuningsih AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 040001 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Learning model design of inquiry integrated ethno-STEM for bioactivity of secondary metabolites from Sarang Semut (ant nest) extracts
Sudarmin, Woro Sumarni, Skunda Diliarosta, Henie Poerwandar Asmaningrum, Anita Rizgiana, and Prasetyo Listiaji AIP Conference Proceedings 2600, 040002 (2022) Read the article → | | | | An interactive multimedia HPLC: Enhancing student's analytical thinking skills
Indah Karina Yulina, Anna Permanasari, Hernani, and Wawan Setiawan AIP Conference Proceedings 2468, 040003 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Scientific literacy assessment based on local wisdom in testlets models
Bibin Rubini, Saiful Millah, and Indarini Dwi Pursitasari AIP Conference Proceedings 2600, 040006 (2022) Read the article → | | | |
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