Review of Scientific Instruments |
| Volume 95, Issue 11 01 November 2024 |
| | | | | | | | Calibration of MAJIS (Moons and Jupiter Imaging Spectrometer). IV. Radiometric calibration (invited)
Y. Langevin,F. Poulet,G. Piccioni,G. Filacchione,C. Dumesnil,F. Tosi,J. Carter,A. Barbis,P. Haffoud,L. Tommasi,M. Vincendon,S. De Angelis,I. Guerri,C. Pilorget,S. Rodriguez,S. Stefani,D. Bolsée,M. Cisneros,L. Van Laeken,N. Pereira,A. Carapelle Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 111301 (2024) Read the article → |
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| | | | | | Controlled molecule injector for cold, dense, and pure molecular beams at the European x-ray free-electron laser
Lanhai He,Melby Johny,Thomas Kierspel,Karol Długołęcki,Sadia Bari,Rebecca Boll,Hubertus Bromberger,Marcello Coreno,Alberto De Fanis,Michele Di Fraia,Benjamin Erk,Mathieu Gisselbrecht,Patrik Grychtol,Per Eng-Johnsson,Tommaso Mazza,Jolijn Onvlee,Yevheniy Ovcharenko,Jovana Petrovic,Nils Rennhack,Daniel E. Rivas,Artem Rudenko,Eckart Rühl,Lucas Schwob,Marc Simon,Florian Trinter,Sergey Usenko,Joss Wiese,Michael Meyer,Sebastian Trippel,Jochen Küpper Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 113301 (2024) Read the article → |
| | | | | | | | | Production of high intensity high charge state uranium ion beams in afterglow mode with advanced electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion sources
L. X. Li,J. B. Li,J. D. Ma,Y. C. Feng,Z. H. Zhang,W. H. Zhang,D. Hitz,H. Y. Ma,X. Y. Wang,W. Lu,L. T. Sun,H. W. Zhao Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 113303 (2024) Read the article → |
| | | | | GALADRIEL: A facility for advancing engineering science relevant to rep-rated high energy density physics and inertial fusion energy experiments
G. W. Collins, IV,C. McGuffey,M. Jaris,D. Vollmer,A. Dautt-Silva,E. Linsenmayer,A. Keller,J. C. Ramirez,B. Sammuli,M. Margo,M. J.-E. Manuel Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 113501 (2024) Read the article → |
| | | | | Improvements to the characterization of Agfa x-ray film for use on opacity spectroscopy diagnostics
A. E. Peterson,E. C. Dutra,C. S. Conlon,T. Cunningham,R. F. Heeter,J. Knauer,R. A. Knight,K. J. Moy,G. Torres,M. S. Wallace,T. S. Perry Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 113502 (2024) Read the article → |
| | | | | | | | | X-ray phase-contrast imaging of strong shocks on OMEGA EP
L. Antonelli,W. Theobald,F. Barbato,S. Atzeni,D. Batani,R. Betti,V. Bouffetier,A. Casner,L. Ceurvorst,D. Cao,J. J. Ruby,K. Glize,T. Goudal,A. Kar,M. Khan,A. Dearling,M. Koenig,P. M. Nilson,R. H. H. Scott,O. Turianska,M. Wei,N. C. Woolsey Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 113504 (2024) Read the article → |
| | | | | Design studies on electronics and data acquisition of a real time diamond spectrometer for the SPARC neutron camera
M. Petruzzo,A. Celora,G. Croci,E. Gallo,G. Gorini,G. Grosso,M. Nocente,M. Parisi,O. Putignano,P. Raj,D. Rigamonti,M. Rebai,M. Reinke,F. Scioscioli,M. Tardocchi,L. Tedoldi Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 113505 (2024) Read the article → |
| | | | | | | | | Thermal helium beam diagnostic for 2D profile measurements in the divertor of ASDEX Upgrade
S. Hörmann,M. Cavedon,M. Griener,D. Wendler,R. Dux,K. Schmid,A. Kappatou,M. Wischmeier,D. J. Cruz-Zabala,E. Viezzer,U. Stroth,ASDEX Upgrade Team Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 113507 (2024) Read the article → |
| | | | | Design, justification, and prototyping of the visible and infrared wide angle viewing system diagnostic for ITER equatorial port 12
S. Vives,C. Guillon,L. Letellier,M. H. Aumeunier,X. Courtois,S. Garitta,J. Grosy,N. Lapcevic,N. Lefevre,B. Peluso,Y. Peneliau,M. Medrano,C. Pastor,F. Mota,V. Martin,J. Poissy,G. Jouffroy,R. Lopez Heredero,L. M. Gonzalez-Fernandez,M. Fernandez-Rodríguez,R. Garcia-Lopez,M. J. Zamora,T. Belenguer,F. Le Guern,J. Piqueras,M. Fabbri,P. Testoni Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 113508 (2024) Read the article → |
| | | | | | | | | Electron cyclotron emission quasi-optical transmission system on the HL-3 tokamak
X. Yu,Z. B. Shi,Z. C. Yang,M. Jiang,W. Chen,G. Y. Yu,Y. L. Zhu,W. C. Deng,Y. Zhou,Y. Q. Shen,J. Wen,P. W. Shi,K. X. Han Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 113510 (2024) Read the article → |
| | | | | | | | | Calorimetry probe for runaway electron heat load measurement at COMPASS
J. Caloud,E. Tomesova,O. Ficker,J. Cerovsky,J. Mlynar,J. Adamek,P. Barton,P. Bilkova,P. Bohm,M. Bousek,J. Brotankova,I. Duran,S. Entler,A. Havranek,M. Jerab,K. Kovarik,J. Krbec,S. Kulkov,M. Marcisovsky,M. Sos,M. Tadros,M. Tomes,M. Varavin,P. Vondracek,V. Weinzettl,COMPASS Team Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 113512 (2024) Read the article → |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | A versatile high-speed x-ray microscope for sub-10 nm imaging
Weihe Xu,Wei Xu,Zirui Gao,Dmitri Gavrilov,Hanfei Yan,Huijuan Xu,Nathalie Bouet,Juan Zhou,Randy Smith,Jun Ma,Xiaojing Huang,Yong S. Chu,Evgeny Nazaretski Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 113705 (2024) Read the article → |
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| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Validation of galvanomagnetic and thermomagnetic transport measurements using Standard Reference Material 3451
Matt Beekman,Matteo Benedetti,Deja Dominguez,Hayden Hewett-Abbott,Andrew Jarymowycz,Matthew Leibowitz,Travis Nichols,Roger Dorris,Kyle Thomson,Sarah J. Watzman,Thu Gibson,Katherine A. Schlaak Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 113905 (2024) Read the article → |
| | | | | A high-frequency, low-power resonant radio-frequency neutron spin flipper for high-resolution spectroscopy
Sam McKay,Stephen J. Kuhn,Jiazhou Shen,Fankang Li,Jak Doskow,Gerard Visser,Steven R. Parnell,Kaleb Burrage,Fumiaki Funama,Roger Pynn Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 113906 (2024) Read the article → |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 15-GW repetitive pulsed power generator based on Midel 7131 and double-width pulse forming line
Gang Wang,Sheng Liu,Bo Zeng,Penghui Li,Lei Zheng,Jie Li,Yao Liu,Dingyuan Shi,Xingyue Duan,Shifei Liu Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 114702 (2024) Read the article → |
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