
Saturday, January 20, 2024

Education Topic Alert

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AIP Publishing

Topic Alert

January 2024



Preface: The 7th Progressive and Fun Education International Conference (The 7th Profunedu) 

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 010001 (2024)

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Augmented reality-based vs digital vs text-book teaching materials in online geometry class 

Tia Restiana Puspasari,Nurbaiti Widyasari,Herwina Bahar

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020001 (2024)

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Comparing Lexical Diversity of Bahasa between students of Islamic studies and engineering using Spark-NLP 

Muhammad Luthfi Hidayat,M. Takdir Muslihi,Maram Meccawy,Tariq J. S. Khanzada

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020002 (2024)

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Designing procurement performance measurement system in engineer to order manufacturing company using SCOR and fuzzy AHP method 

Bunga Harnum Sandita,Ari Yanuar Ridwan,Erlangga Bayu Setyawan

AIP Conf. Proc. 2951, 020003 (2024)

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Developing a learning number application based on Android 

Ghulam Asrofi Buntoro,Indah Puji Astuti,Rifqi Rahmatika Az-Zahra,Wahyudi,Arta Ekayanti,Uki Suhendar,Erika Eka Santi,Ardhana Januar Mahardhani

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020003 (2024)

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Students' reflective thinking in parabola problem-solving 

Muhammad Noor Kholid,Annisa Swastika,Naufal Ishartono,Adi Nurcahyo,Nuqthy Faiziyah,Zain Taufiqoh Sinta Aulia Nuriyah

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020004 (2024)

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Supporting students' mathematical literacy: A description of the pretest-posttest results from the development of the numeracy module 

Christina Kartika Sari,Sri Rejeki,Muhamad Toyib,Yoga Dwi Windy Kusuma Ningtyas,Fauziyah Nur Aimin

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020005 (2024)

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The influence of digital story media-based quantum learning on mathematical problem-solving skills 

Nadia Yuli Ismawarti,Yulia Maftuhah Hidayati

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020006 (2024)

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Development of Android-Based mathematics learning media with ethnomathematics approach to geometry material 

Aris Widebdo,Naufal Ishartono,Muhammad Noor Kholid,Nuqthy Faiziyah,Yudi Yunika,Zainuddin Untu,Adi Selamet Kusumawardhana,Anton Jaelani

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020007 (2024)

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Need analysis of web-based mathematics learning media development 

Viarti Eminita,Hastri Rosiyanti,Faisal

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020008 (2024)

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The effect of parents' self-efficacy and parenting on mathematics learning achievement 

Ahmad Saifulloh,Muhamad Toyib,Ahmad Lazwardi,Rahmatya Nurmeidina,Arif Ganda Nugroho

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020009 (2024)

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Defragmenting reflective thinking in solving contextual arithmetic series in terms of gender 

Gilang Putra Herdiansyah,Muhammad Noor Kholid,Iin Ariyanti,Fithria Ulfah,Soraya Djamilah

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020010 (2024)

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Control interfaces for wheelchair mobility 

Marely del Rosario Cruz Felipe,Maricela Pinargote-Ortega,Gabriel Primitivo Demera Ureta,Marcelo Andrés Alcívar Molina,José Andrés García Morales

AIP Conf. Proc. 2994, 020011 (2024)

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Metacognition defragmentation in solving non-routine problems 

Joe Noor Bintang Indriansyah,Muhammad Noor Kholid,Diah Andika Sari,Dewi Setiyaningsih,Laily Nurmalia

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020011 (2024)

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Defragmenting reflective thinking in solving parabolic problems 

Zain Taufiqoh Sinta Aulia Nuriyah,Muhammad Noor Kholid

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020012 (2024)

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Defragmentation of student mathematical communication in solving HOTS mathematical problems 

Muhammad Rifqi Hibatullah At-Turmudi,Muhammad Noor Kholid,Idawati,Anggi Septia Nugroho,Arizal Eka Putra

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020013 (2024)

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Defragmenting the structure of Pseudo-Thinking students in solving contextual problems on integer problems 

Lika Setyaningrum,Muhammad Noor Kholid,Candraning Prihatini,Carla Maretha,Gali Alrajafi

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020014 (2024)

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Defragmentation of student metacognition in solving HOTS mathematical problems 

Rizka Dina Srijedi,Muhammad Noor Kholid,Genesa Vernanda,Medi Yansyah,Musiman

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020015 (2024)

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Defragmenting mathematical literacy in solving system of two-variable linear equations (STLE) 

Wahyu Nugroho,Muhammad Noor Kholid,Noprisa,Ratna Tri Utami,Salamah

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020016 (2024)

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Defragmentation of metacognition in solving ethnomathematics-oriented problems 

Vionita Fitri Cahyani,Muhammad Noor Kholid,Zohri Hamdani,Suryatul Aini Asyhara

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020017 (2024)

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Defragmenting mathematical literacy in solving non-routine problems 

Sukma Nur Savitri,Muhammad Noor Kholid

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020018 (2024)

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The most effective fuel: A brief examination of Kusum-based biodiesel 

Paritosh Mishra,Prateek Negi,Ravi Kanojia,Brijesh Prasad

AIP Conf. Proc. 2978, 020018 (2024)

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Defragmentation of reflective thinking in solving algebraic problems 

Yumna Warifdah,Muhammad Noor Kholid

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020019 (2024)

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Implementation of etnomathematics-oriented problem-based learning to improve student activities and learning outcomes 

Alfazila Fastumul Hikmah,Nuqthy Faiziyah,Naufal Ishartono

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020020 (2024)

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Development of HOTS instruments based on realistic mathematics education 

Dzalfadina Tri Hastiti Cahyaningrum,Sri Sutarni

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020021 (2024)

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Error analysis in doing formative test math HOTS problems in elementary school students 

Marinda Anggita Murti,Sutama

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020022 (2024)

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The effect of the index card match method in mathematics learning on the students' learning outcomes 

Dinda Kusala Parahita,Nuqthy Faiziyah,Diana,Dini Hadiarti,Hamdil Mukhlishin

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020023 (2024)

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Cultivating self-confidence in the process of learning mathematics in junior high school 

Mahardika Dwi Puspasari,Sutama

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020024 (2024)

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Creativity in the process of learning mathematics in junior high school 

Dedek Kurniawati,Sutama

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020025 (2024)

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Numeracy literacy skills of socio-cultural contexts on geometry in junior high schools 

Pratiwi Nur Handayani,Sutama

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020026 (2024)

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Cultivation collaboration in problem solving in mathematics learning 

Riana Rahmawati,Sutama

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020027 (2024)

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Analysis of student errors in doing math story problems on formative tests in junior high school 

Chusnul Kusuma Dewi,Sutama

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020028 (2024)

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Analysis of students' critical thinking skills in solving algebraic operations HOTS problems reviewed from logical-mathematical intelligence of junior high school 

Mia Nurhidayati,Nining Setyaningsih

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020029 (2024)

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Defragmenting students' thinking structures in constructing mathematical concepts in statistics materials 

Filius Zumala Laili,Muhammad Noor Kholid

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020030 (2024)

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Timestamp-based video integrated by STEAM to improve students' understanding of trigonometric 

Hety Dwi Agus Setyaningrum,Naufal Ishartono,Adi Slamet Kusumawardana,Anton Jaelani,Meyta Dwi Kurniasih,Suryawati,Rafiza Binti Abdul Razak

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020031 (2024)

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Timestamp-based video integrated by STEAM to improve student's understanding of the composition of function 

Asyifa Nur Afiyah,Naufal Ishartono,Lilik Ariyanto,Feri Tiona Pasaribu,Ma'rup,Laila Hayati,Muhammad Noor Kholid,Adi Nurcahyo

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020032 (2024)

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Analysis of mathematical critical thinking skills with visual learning styles in vocational high school 

Nur Sara Sinta Maulida,Sutama

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020033 (2024)

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Analysis of the difficulty of doing ethnomathematics-charged math problems in elementary schools 

Fani Umayah,Sutama

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020034 (2024)

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Mathematical literacy ability of class VIII students in solving minimum competency assessment problems 

Dewi Fortuna Rahayu,Nida Sri Utami

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020035 (2024)

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Integrating adobe flash professional CS6 into ethnomathematics-based learning media to improve students' understanding of math 

Hery Nugroho,Naufal Ishartono,Riza Agustiani,Nelly Fitriani,Moch Luthfianto,I. Putu Pasek Suryawan,Rafiza Binti Abdul Razak

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020036 (2024)

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Fractional numbers and their operations in Qur'an surah An-Nisa as learning materials 

Nanda Milenia Fitriani,Budi Murtiyasa

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020037 (2024)

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Ethnomathematics of Surakarta batik based on mathematical aspects according to bishop in Batik Laweyan 

Alfia Nuri Aliantari,Sumardi

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020038 (2024)

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Analysis of mathematical literacy ability in solving HOTS problems for junior high school students in terms of gender 

Annisa Mega Utami,Adi Nurcahyo

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020039 (2024)

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Ethnomathematics: Geometrical concept in Batik Sidomulyo solo 

Nafiah Rizkiyatul Uula,Naufal Ishartono,Nuqthy Faiziyah,Muhammad Noor Kholid,Adi Nurcahyo,Isnaeni Umi Machromah,Rini Setyaningsih

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020040 (2024)

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Problem based learning mathematics teaching module: Improving critical thinking skills for vocational high school students 


AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020041 (2024)

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Analysis of mathematical reflective thinking skills in solving story problems of a three variable system of linear equations 

Fera Suryanita Aprela,Annisa Swastika,Muhammad Noor Kholid,Dwi Fitriyani,Fitri Wulandari,Rahma Faelasofi

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020042 (2024)

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Game development "GETAK" based on RPG maker MV on statistics material 

Nining Setyaningsih,Muhamad Ghufron

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020043 (2024)

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STEAM-based mathematics LKPD: Improving mathematical communication in junior high school students 

Lilik Hastuti,Sutama

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020044 (2024)

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Analysis of problem-solving skills with Polya's steps in solving numeracy problems in class VIII junior high school in terms of gender differences 

Shafira Ramadhani,Adi Nurcahyo,Nuraini Kasman,Hardianti,Jamaluddin Ahmad

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020045 (2024)

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Numeracy literacy-based trigonometry module: Improving problem solving ability of vocational students 

Pranada Devi Fatmasari,Sutama

AIP Conf. Proc. 2926, 020046 (2024)

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