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| | Preface: The 6th National Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (SENATIK)
Sutrisno, Muhtarom, Dewi Wulandari, Nurina Happy, Ali Shodiqin, Yanuar Hery Murtianto, and Kartinah AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 010001 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Committee: The 6th National Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (SENATIK)
Sutrisno, Muhtarom, Dewi Wulandari, Nurina Happy, Ali Shodiqin, Yanuar Hery Murtianto, and Kartinah AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 010002 (2022) Read the article → | | | |
| Analysis of scientific learning using interactive videos on mathematics communication ability of students of SMP N 05 city of Bengkulu
Padila Akbar, Fatrima Santri Syafri, Nur Salamah, Maryani, Sintia Lorenza, and Herawati AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020002 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Mathematic connection analysis of students in completing linear programs based on mathematics ability
Anggraini, Cahyani Rahmadani Dj Hanusu, and Muh. Hasbi AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020003 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Implementation of reciprocal teaching models to increase the capability of mathematical creative thinking skills
Lilik Ariyanto, S. Supandi, Widya Kusumaningsih, and Putri Novitasari AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020004 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Analysis of students' mathematical reasoning ability using connecting, extending, review (CER) learning model
Andi Muhammad Irfan Taufan Asfar, Andi Muhamad Iqbal Akbar Asfar, and Andi Nurannisa AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020005 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Making ethnomathematics-based learning videos
Abdul Aziz, and Iswahyudi Joko Suprayitno AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020006 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Geometric thinking profile of deaf middle school students based on van hiele level during the Covid-19 pandemic
Ni Kadek Dianita, St. Budi Waluya, and Walid AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020007 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Reflective thinking in solving number theory problem: A case study of pre-service teacher in terms of cognitive style
Widya Dwiyanti, Stevanus Budi Waluya, and Walid AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020008 (2022) Read the article → | | | | The burden of respiratory illness and factors associated among women using charcoal for cooking; A community-based study in ethopia
Ayano Shanko, Ajay Prakash Pasupulla, Panomwat Amornphimoltham, Adane Desta Gonemo, and Thamimul Ansari Peer Mohamed AIP Conference Proceedings 2473, 020009 (2022) Read the article → | | | | The effect of gender on mathematical communication skills in geometry and measurement materials
Aulya Fajarwati, Fatrima Santri Syafri, Amelia Lestari, Betia Ningsih, Yusmia Rika Subekti, and Cicik Paramis Wari AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020009 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Difficulty analysis of solving mathematics materials of counting fraction number operating students class V Public Alementari School 04 Lubuk Pinang, Mukomuko Regency
Fatmi, Poni Saltifa, Suharli Sila Putra, Sintia Hikma Nirmal, Velya Vitaloka, and Lola Anggun Nopela AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020010 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Development of learning media microsoft powerpoint based on visual basic for application (VBA)
Moch. Fauzi, and Lukman Jakfar Shodiq AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020011 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Evaluation of hepcidin, ferritin and iron levels with liver enzymes of β-thalassemia patients in Diyala governorate, Iraq
Hazem Mohammed Abd, and Othman Rashid Al Samarrai AIP Conference Proceedings 2450, 020012 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Mathematics thinking process of student's in spatial visual intelligence through transcript based learning analysis method
Ferry Ferdianto, St. Budi Waluya, and Nuriana Rachmani Dewi AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020012 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Analysis of students mathematical creative thinking ability in terms of self confidence in complex variable function courses
Gunawan, St. Budi Waluya, and Nuriani Rachmani Dewi AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020013 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Effect of visual merchandising techniques on the impulsive buying behavior of apparel customers in the Tiruchirapalli city
R. Murali, S. Arunkumar, and V. Mahalakshmi AIP Conference Proceedings 2473, 020013 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Secondary mathematics teachers' ability in solving Pisa- like mathematics problems
Tria Gustiningsi, Ratu Ilma Indra Putri, Zulkardi, and Hapizah AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020014 (2022) Read the article → | | | | An empirical analysis in the selection of personal protective equipment on hand gloves
K. Aravind Kumar, Mohamed Iqbal Shajahan, Lavanya Balachandran, and K. Syed Jafar AIP Conference Proceedings 2473, 020015 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Evaluation of serum osteopontin and its relation with other biomarkers of prostate cancer in Iraqi patients
Ahmad H. Al-Wadi, Sanad B. Al-A'Araji, Susan J. Ali, and Nawar A. Abd Noor AIP Conference Proceedings 2450, 020015 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Teaching mathematics online: Studies focusing on student mathematical communication
Hilda Hakim, and Hilliyani AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020015 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Mathematical connection ability of male students
Nurina Happy, Puput Diyan Pratiwi, Rina Dwi Setyowati, Sutrisno, and Dhian Endahwuri AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020016 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Analysis validity and reliability of monitoring and evaluation final examination: Mathematics I in Computer Engineering Study Program
Harizahayu, Muhammad Fathoni, and Koko Hermanto AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020017 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Analysis of differences in word-of-mouth factors for UTS students based on gender identity using a structural equation model
Koko Hermanto, Nora Dery Sofya, and Harizahayu AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020021 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Halal foods: Purchase intentions among non-muslim consumers-A literature review
Mohammed Arshad, D. Baranikumar, M. Maheswaran, and Thamimul Ansari Peer Mohamed AIP Conference Proceedings 2473, 020021 (2022) Read the article → | | | |
| DIF content of math test on learning assessment in elementary school
Herwin AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020022 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Students' adaptive reasoning in solving geometrical problem
Yeni Heryani, Sri Tirto Madawistama, Stevanus Budi Waluya, and Nuriana Rachmani Dewi AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020023 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Problem solving ability and belief in prospective mathematics teachers
Nurina Hidayah, St. Budi Waluya, and Walid AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020024 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Designs of worked example to facilitate retention and transfer capability in derivatives of algebraic functions
Nur Irfani, and Endah Retnowati AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020026 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Evaluation the level of Interleukin-6 and total protein levels on women with breast cancer
Muqdad Khamis Abd, Abdulsalam Tawfeeq Salih Alsamarai, and AbdulQader M. A-Qader AIP Conference Proceedings 2450, 020027 (2022) Read the article → | | | | The effect of learning style on problem solving strategies of prospective mathematics teachers
Dwi Juniati, and I. Ketut Budayasa AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020027 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Effect of computer technology in mathematics learning: A meta-analysis
Filomena M. Kamalera, Gratiae V. Bleveni, Christine K. Ekowati, and Damianus D. Samo AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020028 (2022) Read the article → | | | | The stage of analysis, design, and development in the junior high school learning videos developed to strengthen mathematical reasoning
Kartinah, and Dina Prasetyowati AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020029 (2022) Read the article → | | | | The impact of beliefs on motivation and mathematical problem-solving in prospective teacher with different personality types
Annisa Dwi Kurniawati, Dwi Juniati, and Abadi AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020030 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Problem-solving with Geogebra: How the relationship between reasoning and communication in mathematics
Dedek Kustiawati, and Nurfadilah Siregar AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020031 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Designing hypothetical learning trajectory for lines and angles using Central Java traditional house context
Widya Kusumaningsih, Hartono, and Farida Nursyahidah AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020032 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Enhancing students' achievement in math word problems through reading comprehension and learning motivation
Merry Lapasau, Virgana, Soeparlan Kasyadi, Ira Mayasari, and Apriani Riyanti AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020033 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Improving mathematical adaptive reasoning through traditional game "Lojo-Lojo Pindip" based on Android
Magfirah, Andi Muhammad Irfan Taufan Asfar, Andi Muhamad Iqbal Akbar Asfar, Sugian Nurwijaya, and Andi Fauziah AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020034 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Montessori method to stimulate mathematical communication skills in mild intellectual disability students
Arif Muchyidin, and Nanang Priatna AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020035 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Comparison of students' mathematics critical thinking skills through the use of learning management systems and whatsapp groups in online learning
Muhtarom, Muhammad Saifuddin Zuhri, Bambang Agus Herlambang, and Yanuar Hery Murtianto AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020036 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Improvement habits of minds in constructing mathematical proof using DNR-model
Abdul Mujib, and Firmansyah AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020038 (2022) Read the article → | | | | The effect of independent learning on creative thinking ability in mathematics during the Covid-19 pandemic other students of Bengkulu Tadris Mathematics
Lailatul Mukaromah, Fatrima Santri Syafri, Devi Setiowati, Apriliza Dotari, Debby Syntia Monica, and Nia Kurniawati AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020039 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Student literacy towards math problem solving reviewed from online addiction level games
Yanuar Hery Murtianto, Muhtarom, Bambang Agus Herlambang, Sutrisno, and Riza Oktavia AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020040 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Task instrument that support children's gesture with special needs learning mathematics
Sriyanti Mustafa, Baharullah, and Vernita Sari AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020041 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Analysis of productive thinking characteristics students in the proofing of limit functions
Nizaruddin, Sutrisno, Yanuar Hery Murtianto, Muhammad Saifuddin Zuhri, and Muhtarom AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020042 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Evaluation of the correlation between D-dimer and iron indicators in patients with COVID-19
Kadhim Abdul Salam Kadhim, Rafah Razooq Hameed Al-Samarrai, and Wasan N. Husain AIP Conference Proceedings 2450, 020043 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Integration of Bugis-Makassar ethnic traditions Sulapa Eppa Walasuji in developing logical-mathematical intelligence of students based on Android applications
Andi Nurannisa, Andi Muhammad Irfan Taufan Asfar, Andi Muhamad Iqbal Akbar Asfar, Adji Syaifullah, and Nurlinda AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020044 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Integration of Sigajang Laleng Lipa ritual in learning to improve high order thinking skills (HOTS) based on students' mathematical problem solving
Nurlia, Andi Muhammad Irfan Taufan Asfar, Andi Muhamad Iqbal Akbar Asfar, Murasyidah Masri, and Tri Puspita Sari AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020045 (2022) Read the article → | | | | Didactic design to improve mathematical reasoning ability of high school students on derivative application materials
Wulan Resti Oktaviani, Tatang Herman, and Darhim Darhim AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020047 (2022) Read the article → | | | | High logical-mathematical intelligence learner's problem-solving performance on integer operation problem
Pathuddin, Linawati, Mubarik, Fadlun, and Anggraini AIP Conference Proceedings 2577, 020048 (2022) Read the article → | | | |
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