Recognizing outstanding research, journal highlights, Special Topics, and more.... |  | Recent Highlights in Bioscience | As we settle into 2025, we want to take a moment to celebrate groundbreaking research and other incredible accomplishments from last year. | Below are key journal highlights, most-read articles, featured Special Topics, and more across our expansive collection of journals, conference proceedings, and books that span bioscience and its intersections with other disciplines.
Thank you—authors, reviewers, and readers—for trusting us to be part of your publishing journey. We can't wait to see what we'll achieve together in 2025! | | | FEATURED JOURNALS IN BIOSCIENCE |
102 Articles published | 338,253 Article reads 193 Reviewers provided their valuable expertise 22 Days avg. time to 1st decision | 9.1 out of 10 author satisfaction rating Q1 in Engineering, Biomedical category * 6.6 Impact Factor* | 9.3 CiteScore† | |
Amin Valiei, Javad Aminian-Dehkordi, Mohammad R. K. Mofrad
| | | | Florian Fallegger, Alix Trouillet, Florent-Valéry Coen, Giuseppe Schiavone, et al.
| | | | | Biophysics Reviews A journal for research that intersects the biological and physical sciences
| |
Deepshikha Ghosh, Anushka Biswas, Mithun Radhakrishna
| | | | Hongyi Chen, Bin Zhang, Jie Huang
| | | | Giacomo D'Alesio, Lars Ingmar Stumpp, Paolo Sciarrone, Alessandro Navari, et al.
| | | | | Biointerphases Understanding biological and biomaterial interfaces through quantitative characterization, modeling and mechanisms
| |
41 Articles published | 117,475 Article reads 81 Reviewers provided their valuable expertise 46 Days avg. time to 1st decision | 9.3 out of 10 author satisfaction rating Celebrated the Biointerphases Ascending Researcher Award winner, Dr. Pablo G. Argudo, at the AVS 70th International Symposium and Exhibition | |
Dongdong Gao, Chunxiao Yan, Yong Wang, Heqing Yang, et al.
| | | | Li Luo, Xiaofei Wang, Li Ma, Kaibin Wang, et al.
| | | | | Biomicrofluidics A leader in micro- and nanofluidics at the interface of physics, chemistry, and biology
| |
90 Articles published | 218,135 Article reads 187 Reviewers provided their valuable expertise 33 Days avg. time to 1st decision | 9 out of 10 author satisfaction rating Top 40% of journals in the Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical category* | |
Eric Wang, Melisa J. Andrade, Quinton Smith
| | | | Soja Saghar Soman, Shafeek Abdul Samad, Priyamvada Venugopalan, Nityanand Kumawat, et al.
Quantum and Materials Science for Biomedical ApplicationsSubmission Deadline: March 1, 2025AVS Quantum Sci. Biointerphases | | | |
The Future of Biointerface Science 2025Submission Deadline: March 30, 2025Biointerphases | | | |
Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS)Submission Deadline: March 31, 2025Biointerphases J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B | | | |
Droplet-Based Microfluidics for Biology, Biophysics and BiomaterialsSubmission Deadline: March 31, 2025Biomicrofluidics | | | |
Artificial Intelligence for BiophysicsSubmission Deadline: March 31, 2025Biophysics Rev. | | | |
Applications of laser-based techniques in environmental and biomedical domainsSubmission Deadline: March 31, 2025J. Laser Appl. | | | |
2024 Challenges in Structural Biology SummitSubmission Deadline: March 31, 2025Struct. Dyn. | | | |
Biomolecular dynamics using optical methods: Theory and experimentSubmission Deadline: April 30, 2025J. Chem Phys. | | | |
Understanding and Harnessing Assembly Processes in Biological Materials and BiomimeticsSubmission Deadline: May 31, 2025Biophysics Rev. | | | |
Flow and PhonationSubmission Deadline: May 31, 2025Physics of Fluids | | | |
Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of BiointerphasesSubmission Deadline: June 1, 2025Biointerphases | | | |
The Goldilocks Principle in Biomaterials and BiointerfacesSubmission Deadline: July 28, 2025Biointerphases | | | |
Biointerfaces in China 2025Submission Deadline: August 30, 2025Biointerphases | | | |
Biomolecular Phase Transitions and the Mechanochemical Control of Cells in Health & DiseaseSubmission Deadline: October 1, 2025Biophysics Rev. | | | |
Stranger Things in the Mechanobiology of Cellular Self-OrganizationSubmission Deadline: October 1, 2025Biophysics Rev. | | | |
Disordered Proteins and Their Ensembles: Fundamental Principles and Biological EngineeringSubmission Deadline: October 15, 2025Biophysics Rev. | | | |
Mechanomedicine Apl Bioeng.
| | | Bioengineering of the BrainApl Bioeng.
| | | Physical Sciences Approaches to Cancer ResearchApl Bioeng.
| | | Structure and Mechanics of Biofluids, Biomaterials, and BiologicsApl Bioeng.
| | |
Functional Biomaterials: From Fabrication to ApplicationBiointerphases
| | |
Protein Structure at InterfacesBiointerphases
| | |
Biofouling – Characterization, Quantification, and Mitigation 2024Biointerphases
| | |
The Future of Biointerface Science 2024Biointerphases
| | |
Tutorials in Sum-Frequency Generation Spectroscopy 2024Biointerphases
| | |
Biointerface Science in China 2024Biointerphases
| | |
2024 BMF Emerging Investigators Special CollectionBiomicrofluidics
| | |
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics in IndiaBiomicrofluidics
| | |
Microfluidic BiosensorsBiomicrofluidics
| | |
Selected Papers from IEEE-NANOMED 2023Biomicrofluidics
| | |
Organ-Specific Vasculature-on-a-Chip SystemsBiomicrofluidics
| | |
Fluid Shear Stress Biology: From Modelling to Cells to DevicesBiomicrofluidics
| | |
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics for ImmunotherapyBiomicrofluidics
| | |
Implantable BioelectronicsAPL Bioeng.
| | |
Multiscale Modeling and Analysis in BiophysicsJ. Appl. Phys.
| | |
Recent Advances in Marine HydrodynamicsPhysics of Fluids
| | |
Volatile Organic Compounds and their ApplicationsAppl. Phys. Rev.
| | |
Fish Bioacoustics: Hearing and Sound CommunicationJ. Acoust. Soc. Am.
Organizing a conference? Enjoy fast, cost-effective publication of your meeting's key research through AIP Conference Proceedings. |
4th International Conference on Frontiers of Biological Sciences and Engineering |
Intelligent Biotechnics of Natural & Synthetic Biologically Active Substances – XIV Narochanskie Readings |
XVII Mexican Symposium on Medical Physics |
You'll find AIP Publishing's editors and journal managers at these upcoming conferences and events. We hope to see you there! |
Anaheim, CA USA March 16-21, 2025 Booth 109 |
Regensberg, Germany March 16-21, 2025 Booth Space A41 |
San Diego, CA USA March 23-27, 2025 Booth 4140 |
Seattle, WA USA April 7-11, 2025 Booth 302 |
Strasbourg, France May 26-30, 2025 Stand 18 |
Malaga, Spain July 22-25, 2025 Booth TBD |
Washington, DC USA August 17-21, 2025 Booth TBD |
Charlotte, NC USA September 21-26, 2025 Booth TBD |
Boston, MA USA November 30-December 5, 2025 Booth TBD |
Explore More in Bioscience |
In our extensive collection of journals, conference proceedings, and books that span bioscience and its intersections with other disciplines, we'll provide you with the best home for your work and the tools and resources you need to elevate and amplify your research. |
| | *Data from the 2023 Journal Citation Reports® Science Edition (Clarivate, 2024) †Scimago Lab, Copyright 2007-2024. Data Source: Scopus (R) | Follow us on social media | | | Copyright © 2025 AIP Publishing. All rights reserved. 1305 Walt Whitman Rd., Melville, NY 11747
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