
Friday, May 31, 2024

Volume 34, Issue 5 TOC Alert


Volume 34, Issue 5
01 May 2024

Latest Issue


Impact of white noise in artificial neural networks trained for classification: Performance and noise mitigation strategies 

N. Semenova,D. Brunner

Chaos 34, 051101 (2024)

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Inferring bifurcation diagrams with transformers 

Lyra Zhornyak,M. Ani Hsieh,Eric Forgoston

Chaos 34, 051102 (2024)

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Emergence of rogue-like waves in a reaction-diffusion system: Stochastic output from deterministic dissipative dynamics 

Edgar Knobloch,Arik Yochelis

Chaos 34, 051103 (2024)

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Adaptable reservoir computing: A paradigm for model-free data-driven prediction of critical transitions in nonlinear dynamical systems 

Shirin Panahi,Ying-Cheng Lai

Chaos 34, 051501 (2024)

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Dynamics of karyotype evolution 

Elena Kuzmin,Toby M. Baker,Peter Van Loo,Leon Glass

Chaos 34, 051502 (2024)

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Universal bounds for spreading on networks   

Gadi Fibich,Tomer Levin

Chaos 34, 053101 (2024)

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A multiscale symbolic approach to decoding delta and ripple oscillation bands as biomarkers for epileptiform discharges 

Mauro Granado,Santiago Collavini,Nataniel Martinez,Federico Miceli,Osvaldo A. Rosso,Fernando Montani

Chaos 34, 053102 (2024)

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Spatiotemporal patterns corresponding to phase synchronization and generalized synchronization states of thermoacoustic instability 

Samadhan A. Pawar,Midhun P. Raghunath,Reeja K. Valappil,Abin Krishnan,Krishna Manoj,R. I. Sujith

Chaos 34, 053103 (2024)

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Non-trivial relationship between behavioral avalanches and internal neuronal dynamics in a recurrent neural network 

Anja Rabus,Maria Masoliver,Aaron J. Gruber,Wilten Nicola,Jörn Davidsen

Chaos 34, 053104 (2024)

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Predict the prevalence and incidence of Parkinson's disease using fractal interpolation-LSTM model 

Zhong Dai,Shutang Liu,Changan Liu

Chaos 34, 053105 (2024)

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Contagion dynamics in time-varying metapopulation networks with node's activity and attractiveness 

Lang Zeng,Ming Tang,Ying Liu,Seung Yeop Yang,Younghae Do

Chaos 34, 053106 (2024)

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Intermittent-like synchronization and desynchronization phenomena in a Colpitts network model 

Victor E. Camargo,Patrick Louodop,Hilda A. Cerdeira,Fernando F. Ferreira

Chaos 34, 053107 (2024)

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Spatiotemporal dynamics of prey–predator model incorporating Holling-type II functional response with fear and its carryover effects 

Balram Dubey,Anand Singh,Anshu

Chaos 34, 053108 (2024)

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A unified quantification of synchrony in globally coupled populations with the Wiener order parameter 

Arkady Pikovsky,Michael Rosenblum

Chaos 34, 053109 (2024)

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Micro-macro consistency in multiscale modeling: Score-based model assisted sampling of fast/slow dynamical systems 

E. R. Crabtree,J. M. Bello-Rivas,I. G. Kevrekidis

Chaos 34, 053110 (2024)

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Stability analysis of fractional difference equations with delay 

Divya D. Joshi,Sachin Bhalekar,Prashant M. Gade

Chaos 34, 053111 (2024)

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Cyclicity of slow–fast cycles with two canard mechanisms 

Jinhui Yao,Jicai Huang,Renato Huzak

Chaos 34, 053112 (2024)

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Basin entropy as an indicator of a bifurcation in a time-delayed system 

Juan P. Tarigo,Cecilia Stari,Cristina Masoller,Arturo C. Martí

Chaos 34, 053113 (2024)

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Identification of network interactions from time series data: An iterative approach 

Bharat Singhal,Shicheng Li,Jr-Shin Li

Chaos 34, 053114 (2024)

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On the validity of the state space correspondence strategy based on k-nearest neighbor cross-predictability in assessing directionality in stochastic systems: Application to cardiorespiratory coupling estimation   

Alberto Porta,Raphael Martins de Abreu,Vlasta Bari,Francesca Gelpi,Beatrice De Maria,Aparecida Maria Catai,Beatrice Cairo

Chaos 34, 053115 (2024)

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Stability mapping of bipartite tight-binding graphs with losses and gain: -symmetry and beyond 

C. T. Martínez-Martínez,L. A. Moreno-Rodriguez,J. A. Méndez-Bermúdez,Henri Benisty

Chaos 34, 053116 (2024)

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Identification of the continuum field structure at multiple scale levels 

Lipo Wang,Xinyu Mei

Chaos 34, 053117 (2024)

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A unified framework for simplicial Kuramoto models 

Marco Nurisso,Alexis Arnaudon,Maxime Lucas,Robert L. Peach,Paul Expert,Francesco Vaccarino,Giovanni Petri

Chaos 34, 053118 (2024)

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Mixed-mode oscillations in a three-timescale coupled Morris–Lecar system   

Ngoc Anh Phan,Yangyang Wang

Chaos 34, 053119 (2024)

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Collective dynamics and shot-noise-induced switching in a two-population neural network 

S. Yu. Kirillov,P. S. Smelov,V. V. Klinshov

Chaos 34, 053120 (2024)

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Resilience of finite clusters of carbon flux network under localized attack 

Ting Qing,Fan Wang,Ruijin Du,Gaogao Dong,Lixin Tian

Chaos 34, 053121 (2024)

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On the alternating target tracking of a point cloud on Riemannian manifolds 

Hyunjin Ahn,Seung-Yeal Ha

Chaos 34, 053122 (2024)

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Chaotic behavior in Lotka–Volterra and May–Leonard models of biodiversity 

D. Bazeia,M. Bongestab,B. F. de Oliveira

Chaos 34, 053123 (2024)

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Periodic motions with impact chatters in an impact Duffing oscillator 

Albert C. J. Luo,Yuzhou Zhu

Chaos 34, 053124 (2024)

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Controllable nonautonomous localized waves and dynamics for a quasi-1D Gross–Pitaevskii equation in Bose–Einstein condensations with attractive interaction 

Haotian Wang,Hujiang Yang,Ye Tian,Wenjun Liu

Chaos 34, 053125 (2024)

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Mixed strategy approach destabilizes cooperation in finite populations with clustering coefficient 

Zehua Si,Zhixue He,Chen Shen,Jun Tanimoto

Chaos 34, 053126 (2024)

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Optimal input reverberation and homeostatic self-organization toward the edge of synchronization 

Sue L. Rhamidda,Mauricio Girardi-Schappo,Osame Kinouchi

Chaos 34, 053127 (2024)

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Control of seizure-like dynamics in neuronal populations with excitability adaptation related to ketogenic diet 

Sebastian Eydam,Igor Franović,Louis Kang

Chaos 34, 053128 (2024)

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On formation, annihilation, and evolution of potential wells, and nonlinear phenomena of multi-magnet energy sink system 

Mingyuan Gao,Yuan Wang,Ping Wang

Chaos 34, 053129 (2024)

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Characterizing unstructured data with the nearest neighbor permutation entropy 

Leonardo G. J. M. Voltarelli,Arthur A. B. Pessa,Luciano Zunino,Rafael S. Zola,Ervin K. Lenzi,Matjaž Perc,Haroldo V. Ribeiro

Chaos 34, 053130 (2024)

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Annihilation dynamics during spiral defect chaos revealed by particle models 

Timothy J. Tyree,Patrick Murphy,Wouter-Jan Rappel

Chaos 34, 053131 (2024)

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Nonlinear hydrological time series modeling to forecast river level dynamics in the Rio Negro Uruguay basin 

Johan S. Duque,Rafael Santos,Johny Arteaga,Ricardo S. Oyarzabal,Leonardo B. L. Santos

Chaos 34, 053132 (2024)

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Modeling a neurological disorder as the result of an operator acting on the brain: A first sketch based on network channel modeling 

Maria Mannone,Peppino Fazio,Norbert Marwan

Chaos 34, 053133 (2024)

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A nonlinear journey from structural phase transitions to quantum annealing 

Mithun Thudiyangal,Panayotis G. Kevrekidis,Avadh Saxena,Alan R. Bishop

Chaos 34, 053134 (2024)

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A Kundu–nonlinear Schrödinger equation: Rogue waves, breathers, and mixed interaction solutions 

Xuejie Zhang,Qiulan Zhao

Chaos 34, 053135 (2024)

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Fractal structures in the chaotic advection of passive scalars in leaky planar hydrodynamical flows 

Ricardo L. Viana,Amanda C. Mathias,Leonardo C. Souza,Pedro Haerter

Chaos 34, 053136 (2024)

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Hybrid finite-amplitude periodic modes for two uniformly magnetized spheres 

P. Mitchell Carter,Boyd F. Edwards

Chaos 34, 053137 (2024)

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Lyapunov functionals for a general time-delayed virus dynamic model with different CTL responses 

Ke Guo,Songbai Guo

Chaos 34, 053138 (2024)

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Integrated information decomposition unveils major structural traits of in silico and in vitro neuronal networks 

Gustavo Menesse,Akke Mats Houben,Jordi Soriano,Joaquín J. Torres

Chaos 34, 053139 (2024)

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Cavity soliton inhibition of extreme events in lasers with injection 

M. Eslami,E. Taati,R. Kheradmand,F. Prati,G. Tissoni,G.-L. Oppo

Chaos 34, 053140 (2024)

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Complexified synchrony   

Seungjae Lee,Lucas Braun,Frieder Bönisch,Malte Schröder,Moritz Thümler,Marc Timme

Chaos 34, 053141 (2024)

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Strong symmetry breaking rhythms created by folded nodes in a pair of symmetrically coupled, identical Koper oscillators 

Irving R. Epstein,Naziru M. Awal,Tasso J. Kaper,Theodore Vo

Chaos 34, 053142 (2024)

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Turing instability analysis and parameter identification based on optimal control and statistics method for a rumor propagation system 

Bingxin Li,Linhe Zhu

Chaos 34, 053143 (2024)

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Elastic to plastic transition in amorphous solids 

H. G. E Hentschel,Itamar Procaccia

Chaos 34, 053144 (2024)

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Erratum: "Reservoir computing with random and optimized time-shifts" [Chaos 31(12), 121103 (2021)] 

Enrico Del Frate,Afroza Shirin,Francesco Sorrentino

Chaos 34, 059901 (2024)

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Complete TOC Issue
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