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| | Preface: 33rd International Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Topical Problems of Mechanical Engineering 2021" (ToPME 2021)
Maksim Prozhega, Nikolay Tatus', Alexander Shokhin, Anna Frolova, Konstantin Salamandra, Andrey Nikiforov, and Vitaly Svirin AIP Conference Proceedings 2697, 010001 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Preface: The 8th International Conference on Research, Implementation, and Education of Mathematics and Sciences
Nur Aeni Ariyanti, Kartika Ratna Pertiwi, Heru Sukoco, Fika Fauzi, and Paramita Cahyaningrum Kuswandi AIP Conference Proceedings 2556, 010001 (2023) Read the article → | | | |
| Is PjBL-STREAM learning model impact on plant anatomy student's project?
T. W. Agustina, S. Hartati, A. Mas'ud, M. Sholikha, and L. Fakhriah AIP Conference Proceedings 2572, 020001 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The effectivenees entrepreneurship project for Kognitive abilities students in waste treatment
Dina Rahmawati, Nining Riyanti, Samlan H. Ahmad, Mohammad Zulizar, Sukardi Abbas, Astuti Muh Amin, Lintal Muna, Rosita Tabaika, Asriyani M. Arifin, Puji Dwi Rahayu, Rinelsa R. Husaen, Cici A. Quilim, and Zainab Canu AIP Conference Proceedings 2572, 020002 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The validity of developing student worksheets based on socio-scientific issues (SSI) on climate change materials
Meli Ameliawati, Ading Pramadi, Meti Maspupah, and Ukit AIP Conference Proceedings 2572, 020003 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Performance analysis of Asykar Urban Gasoline energy saving car braking system
Syafri Syafri, N. Nazaruddin, and Al Fitra Tussalam AIP Conference Proceedings 2568, 020004 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Development of educational game tools based on Islamic values for biology learning at Madrasah Tsanawiyah students
Muhammad Muttaqien, Riska Ayu Wardani, Sri Maryanti, Rina Sri Mulya, and Dede Trie Kurniawan AIP Conference Proceedings 2572, 020005 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Eco enzyme sustainable living product based halal lifestyle in Ternate
Nuraini Kamaluddin, Dina Rahmawati, Samlan Ahmad, Mohammad Zulizar, Hendi Sugiyanto, Astuti Muh Amin, Rahmat, Tamrin Taher, Rinelsa R. Husaen, Nur A. Rahman, and Zainab Canu AIP Conference Proceedings 2572, 020006 (2023) Read the article → | | | | An exploration of technological pedagogical and content knowledge biology and science teacher
Sumiyati Sa'adah, and Iwan Ridwan Yusup AIP Conference Proceedings 2572, 020007 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Comparative study of the use of galvanized materials and ASTM A36 on tubular structure of "Prameswara" space frame for electric car formula student
N. Nazaruddin, Syafri Syafri, Feblil Huda, Musthafa Akbar, Kaspul Anuar, Dedi Rosa Putra Cupu, and Muhammad Ikhsan Zanti AIP Conference Proceedings 2568, 020007 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Learning instruments development of teams games tournament learning model based on socio-scientific issues to grow student's social attitudes of mutual cooperation and responsibility in physics distance learning
Febriani, Mundilarto, Irvany Nurita Pebriana, and Bayu Setiaji AIP Conference Proceedings 2556, 020008 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Students' creative thinking skill in making educational institution planning through project based learning in education management course
Iwan Ridwan Yusup, Idad Suhada, Ukit, M. Muttaqin, and Karman AIP Conference Proceedings 2572, 020008 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Application of partial model in practical performance assesment of physics learning
Niken Oktaviani, and Edi Istiyono AIP Conference Proceedings 2556, 020009 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Physical activity and intelligent quotients on primary
Alvin Yanuar Rahman, Fathin Anjani Hilman, Siti Fatimah, Miftahul Fikri, and Arif Nursihah AIP Conference Proceedings 2572, 020009 (2023) Read the article → | | | | E-PBL physics online module to enhance students' analytical thinking skill in COVID-19 pandemic era
Bayu Setiaji, Endang Tri Adiningsih, Zulfa Lutfi Anisa, and Yashinta Putri Sekarini AIP Conference Proceedings 2556, 020010 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The effect of virtual instrument system laboratory to enhance technological literacy and problem-solving skills among junior high school students
Supahar, and Eko Widodo AIP Conference Proceedings 2556, 020011 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Development of test instrument multiple representations for high school students on liniear motion
Pramudya Wahyu Pradana, Supahar, Irvany Nurita Pebriana, and Edi Istiyono AIP Conference Proceedings 2556, 020012 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Video-based mobile experiment activities for student creativity during the Covid-19 pandemic
Arif Rahman Aththibby, Heru Kuswanto, and Mundilarto AIP Conference Proceedings 2556, 020013 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Development of test instruments to measure the pictorial representation of Newton's law of gravity material based on the vernal phenomenon
Vegisari, and Edi Istiyono AIP Conference Proceedings 2556, 020014 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Implementation of ICT literacy in STEAM project learning for measuring student's interest and motivation
Siti Suryaningsih, Fakhira A. Nisa, Muliharto, and Fauzan Aldiansyah AIP Conference Proceedings 2572, 030001 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Online application of colligative properties solutions experiment
Sari Sari, Oban Sobandi, and Cica Nurhadianti AIP Conference Proceedings 2572, 030002 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Optimizing the utilization of grid connected rooftop solar photovoltaic (SPV) as green energy system development
Harmini Harmini, and Titik Nurhayati AIP Conference Proceedings 2568, 030002 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Chemical representation ability with application of CORE (chemical observations, representations, and experimentation) learning model on chemical equilibrium material online learning
Rika Septiyanti, Cucu Zenab Subarkah, Imelda Helsy, and Ferli Septi Irwansyah AIP Conference Proceedings 2572, 030003 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The making of environment literacy oriented e-comic on the topic of global warming
Shafira Nur Zainal Abidin, Imelda Helsy, Riri Aisyah, and Yulia Sukmawardani AIP Conference Proceedings 2572, 030004 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Implementation of android-based titration Colorcam application in acid-base titration experiments to develop students' scientific performance
Rofi Nurul Latifah, Ida Farida, Imelda Helsy, and Ferli Septi Irwansyah AIP Conference Proceedings 2572, 030005 (2023) Read the article → | | | |
| Growth Chemy KAlTer: Android based educational game on alcohol, ether, and carbonyl compound concepts
Nadia Nuri Silmiah, Sari Sari, Ferli Septi Irwansyah, and Ida Farida AIP Conference Proceedings 2572, 030006 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Isolation and biochemical characterization of Enterobacter cloacae isolates from ready-to-eat foods using API 20E
Tri Yahya Budiarso, Charis Amarantini, Ratih Restiani, Putri Karina Sitanggang, Eunike Marganingrum Andriani Samodra, Aditya Virany Mamoto, Yesica Puteri, Virgin Kindangen, Angelia Wattimury, and Intan Puteri Yokebeth AIP Conference Proceedings 2556, 030006 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The application of higher order thinking laboratory (HOT Lab) in momentum concept using PhET simulation
Adam Malik, Yudi Dirgantara, and Sya'iidah Muntahaa Karmini AIP Conference Proceedings 2572, 030007 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Implementation of the 7E learning cycle with mind mapping based on blended learning to improve students' concept understanding
Aini Sahira, and Heru Nurcahyo AIP Conference Proceedings 2556, 030008 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Project based online learning on the concept of the colligative properties of solutions
Cica Nurhadianti, Sari, Ida Farida, and Ferli Septi Irwansyah AIP Conference Proceedings 2572, 030008 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Identification of biological learning challenges and strategies during the emergency response of the Covid-19 pandemic
Antonius Tri Priantoro, Ika Yuli Listyarini, Luisa Diana Handoyo, and Retno Herrani Setyati Catarina AIP Conference Proceedings 2556, 030009 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The development of higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) assessment instrument in chemistry using socioscientific issues context: A preliminary trial
Sri Rahayu, and Ervita Eka Rosawati AIP Conference Proceedings 2572, 030009 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Analysis of scientific arguments based on chemical representation level in metal reaction
Andi Malik Hakim, Riri Aisyah, and Cucu Zenab Subarkah AIP Conference Proceedings 2572, 030010 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The potential of moss diversity at the Nglanggeran Ancient Volcano Area, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, for biology learning resources
Triatmanto, Desy Ayu Retnawidyaningrum, and Emi Wulandari AIP Conference Proceedings 2556, 030010 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Impact of COVID-19 against energy consumption projection: Study cases in East Java, Indonesia
Afif Nur Ayu Shadrina, Ahmad Agus Setiawan, and Lesnanto Multa Putranto AIP Conference Proceedings 2568, 030011 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Report on Bali Botanic Garden seed bank education program
Farid Kuswantoro, and Dewi Lestari AIP Conference Proceedings 2556, 030011 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Constructing model of nonlinear operators with three-dimensional matrices
S. Masharipov, and A. Eshniyozov AIP Conference Proceedings 2612, 030012 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Self-efficacy in online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic: Modification and implementation instrument for biology education department students
Kintan Limiansi, Anggi Tias Pratama, and Rizqa Devi Anazifa AIP Conference Proceedings 2556, 030012 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The effectiveness of blended learning with problem based learning-group investigation (PBL-GI) model on students' critical thinking and problem-solving ability in senior high school
Nurul Azizah, and Suyitno Aloysius AIP Conference Proceedings 2556, 030013 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The effectiveness of the VAK (visualization, auditory, and kinesthetic) learning model on motivation and learning outcomes of biology on the reproductive system
Rika Istiqomah, and I. Gusti Putu Suryadarma AIP Conference Proceedings 2556, 030014 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The development of angiosperm anatomical ATLAS as laboratory identification reference in plant tissue structure and function for senior high school students grade XIth
Vinasti Fatonah, and Ratnawati AIP Conference Proceedings 2556, 030015 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Voltaic cell test: Android-based assessment instrument on multiple representation oriented
Risa Rahmawati Sunarya, Anisa Listiawati, and Cucu Zenab Subarkah AIP Conference Proceedings 2572, 030015 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Early childhood educators perspectives on batik loose parts for embedded-STEAM learning
Jazariyah Jazariyah AIP Conference Proceedings 2572, 030016 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Photosynthesis and levels of lead (Pb) in plants Syzygium oleana in Yogyakarta as a source for learning biology
Wiwi Rahayu Ningsih, I. Gusti Putu Suryadarama, and Risanti Dhaniaputri AIP Conference Proceedings 2556, 030016 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Improvement of critical thinking skills through implementation of problem-solving model in biology
Zuchdiawati Luthfi Utami, and Heru Nurcahyo AIP Conference Proceedings 2556, 030017 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The disparity in knowledge, information sources, and attitude on COVID-19 as a socio-scientific issue among biology students: A case of rohero campus students in Bujumbura
Theophile Niyonsaba, and Paidi AIP Conference Proceedings 2556, 030018 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Strategy development for sustainability of water resources system in Eritrea
D. Kozlov, and A. Ghebrehiwot AIP Conference Proceedings 2612, 030031 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Development of learning media based on 3D hologram on solar system materials
Putri Dwi Rahmasari Muhtar, Munzil, and A. M. Setiawan AIP Conference Proceedings 2572, 040001 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Development of Chemopoly game android-based to develop critical thinking skills on atomic structure material
Ade Diniatul Faoziah, Cucu Zenab Subarkah, and dan Ferli Septi Irwansyah AIP Conference Proceedings 2572, 040002 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Effect of vermiculite addition on the compressive strength of concrete
Lintang Dian, and S. Syahril AIP Conference Proceedings 2568, 040004 (2023) Read the article → | | | |
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