
Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Volume 61, Issue 4 TOC Alert

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Latest Issue

Volume 61, Issue 4 (article(s) published - 01 April 2023)



Paul Hewitt

Phys. Teach. 61, 243 (2023)

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Answer to April 2023 Figuring Physics Question 

Paul Hewitt

Phys. Teach. 61, A243 (2023)

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Alternative Solution to the September 2022 Challenge "Second to one" 

Krzysztof Rębilas

Phys. Teach. 61, 244 (2023)

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Clarification to the article "The New Definitions of the Mole and Kilogram: How and Why These SI Units Took their New Status," Phys. Teach. 58, 477–479 (2020) 

Jean-Francois Gal, and Richard Davis

Phys. Teach. 61, 244 (2023)

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AAPT Fellowship awarded to Gelderman at 2023 Winter meeting 

Phys. Teach. 61, 245 (2023)

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In memory of Thomas D. Rossing 

Chris Chiaverina, and Andrew Morrison

Phys. Teach. 61, 245 (2023)

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Lessons for Instructor–Student Interactions in Physics from the World of Improvisational Theater   

Colin G. West

Phys. Teach. 61, 246 (2023)

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Using Cosmic Rays to See the Unseeable 

Don Lincoln

Phys. Teach. 61, 249 (2023)

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The Yellow Light Problem in a Biological Context 

Arthur Eisenkraft

Phys. Teach. 61, 253 (2023)

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Meshchersky Ladders 

Mark Denny

Phys. Teach. 61, 257 (2023)

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Newton's Cradle with Two Balls 

Rod Cross

Phys. Teach. 61, 260 (2023)

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Arch and Cable Suspended Bridges 

Miguel Lagos, Milton Elgueta, and Mario I. Molina

Phys. Teach. 61, 263 (2023)

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What Did James Watt Really Invent? 

Thomas B. Greenslade

Phys. Teach. 61, 266 (2023)

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Tracking Parabolic Trajectories with a Mobile Phone 

Luis Manuel Tobaja, and Julia Gil

Phys. Teach. 61, 268 (2023)

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A Simulation Experiment Using Algodoo: What Force Makes a Car Accelerate, and What Does the Acceleration Depend On? 

Tamás Radnai, Tünde Tóthné Juhász, András Juhász, and Péter Jenei

Phys. Teach. 61, 271 (2023)

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A Useful Experiment for Teaching Resistance of a Wire as a Function of Temperature 

Milan Kovacevic, Marko Milosevic, and Ljubica Kuzmanovic

Phys. Teach. 61, 276 (2023)

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Small Direct Current Electric Motors 

Thomas B. Greenslade

Phys. Teach. 61, 279 (2023)

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Experimental Verification of the Temperature Coefficient of Resistivity 

Robert Polak, Michael R. Harris, Kiet A. Nguyen, and Anthony Kearns

Phys. Teach. 61, 284 (2023)

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Origin of the Laplace Force Applied to a Current-Carrying Wire Immersed in a Magnetic Field 

Marco Finazzi, and Maurizio Zani

Phys. Teach. 61, 286 (2023)

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A Modified Peer Instruction Protocol: Peer vs. Teacher's Instruction 

Boon Leong Lan, Pooi Mee Lim, and Patrick W. C. Ho

Phys. Teach. 61, 290 (2023)

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Student-Created Physics Problems as an Independent and Equitable Assessment Tool 

Bruce A. Schumm, Joy Ishii, and Colin G. West

Phys. Teach. 61, 292 (2023)

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Energy Conservation Analysis Using Arduino 

Atakan Çoban, Niyazi Çoban, and Emine Çoban

Phys. Teach. 61, 295 (2023)

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Static Equilibrium in a Uniform Gravitational Field 

Adel Alameh

Phys. Teach. 61, 298 (2023)

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Atmospheric Pressure vs. a Gigantic Barrel 

Salam Sassine Sakr, and Tarek Harb

Phys. Teach. 61, 302 (2023)

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Application of the Oscillation Concept: Measuring the Human Respiration Rate in Various Activities Using a Smartphone's Magnetometer Sensor 

Prasetyo Listiaji, Angelina Amalia Putri, and Tiara Dwi Wulandari

Phys. Teach. 61, 304 (2023)

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Of mice,* humans, and flies 

John Adam

Phys. Teach. 61, 307 (2023)

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Of mice,* humans, and flies: Solutions for Fermi Questions, April 2023 

John Adam

Phys. Teach. 61, A307 (2023)

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A model experiment on the modern microscopic theory of sliding friction 

Andreas Müller, Patrik Vogt, and Jochen Kuhn

Phys. Teach. 61, 308 (2023)

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Stellar photometry in an introductory physics lab (or, translating flux into magnitudes) 

Christopher Sirola

Phys. Teach. 61, 310 (2023)

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Absence of buoyant force in free fall: A magnetic demonstration 

Ivana M. Krulj, and Josip Slisko

Phys. Teach. 61, 312 (2023)

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Figuring Physics March Answer 

Paul Hewitt

Phys. Teach. 61, 313 (2023)

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Frequency fun lab 

James Lincoln

Phys. Teach. 61, 314 (2023)

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Postgraduation planning during the pandemic 

Susan C. White

Phys. Teach. 61, 316 (2023)

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Resistivity is futile 

Boris Korsunsky

Phys. Teach. 61, 317 (2023)

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Solution to the January 2023 Challenge Rolling uphill.* 

Phys. Teach. 61, A317 (2023)

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(University) Physics in a Nutshell by Tobias Wegener 

Dan MacIsaac

Phys. Teach. 61, 318 (2023)

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Chatbots Attempt Physics Homework—ChatGPT: Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer 

Dan MacIsaac

Phys. Teach. 61, 318 (2023)

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Energy and Equity Portal: Integrating Energy, Equity, and Place in High School Physics 

Dan MacIsaac

Phys. Teach. 61, 318 (2023)

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Converging through the window 

Francisco Jose Torcal-Milla

Phys. Teach. 61, 319 (2023)

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Complete TOC Issue

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