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| | Preface: 1st International Seminar on Chemistry and Chemistry Education (ISCCE 2021)
Dominggus Malle, Nikmans Hattu, Healthy Kainama, Colincie Natalia Labetubun, and I Wayan Sutapa AIP Conference Proceedings 2642, 010001 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Preface: The 5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Habiddin Habiddin, and Nani Farida AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 010001 (2023) Read the article → | | | |
| Organizing Committee: The 5th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2021
Habiddin Habiddin, and Nani Farida AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 010002 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Analysis of rural students' critical thinking skills about the human circulatory system during pandemic
Trika Nurul Iftiah, Insar Damopolii, and Silvia Hanna Kusuma Sirait AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020001 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Rainwater harvesting systems to promote sustainable water management
Ataur Rahman, Gokhan Yildirim, Mohammad A. Alim, Caleb Christian Amos, Muhammad M. Khan, and Shafiq Shirin AIP Conference Proceedings 2643, 020001 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The link between self-efficacy and environmental literacy of students
Karlina Syabania, Mimien Henie Irawati Al Muhdhar, Ellen Landriany, Nuri Rizki Setiawan, Bayu Adi Nugraha, and Lely Mardiyanti AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020002 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The relationship between self-efficacy and environmental literacy of high school students
Mimien Henie Irawati Al Muhdhar, Rif'atul Chusnul Khuluq, Lely Mardiyanti, Iskandar Iskandar, and Dwie Rahmatus Selfiati AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020003 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The relationship between social attitudes and environmental literacy of high school students
Ilfia Kholifaturrohmah, Mimien Renie Irawati Al Muhdhar, Lely Mardiyanti, Ellen Landriany, Nuri Rizki Setiawan, Bayu Adi Nugraha, and Noenoek Noerhajati AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020004 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Relationship between problem-solving skills and environmental literacy of students
Melia Dita Silviana Putri, Mimien Henie Irawati Al Muhdhar, Lely Mardiyanti, Suradi Suradi, Idayati Idayati, and Sri Utami AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020005 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Mistakes in concepts, principles, and writing scientific names in biology textbooks of closed seed plants topic
Sunarmi Sunarmi, and Dwi Arianita Wulan Sari AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020006 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The effect of online RICOSRE on tenth graders' problem-solving skills
Prianka Delvina Putri, Susriyati Mahanal, Siti Zubaidah, and Deny Setiawan AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020007 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Isolation and characterization of rhizobacteria, Bacillus spp. for controlling bacterial leaf blight and increasing shallot yield
Yulmira Yanti, Hasmiandy Hamid, and Nurbailis AIP Conference Proceedings 2583, 020008 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The impact of online platform-based RICOSRE on eleventh graders' scientific reasoning skills in movement system and circulatory system
Zemira Shine Galingging, Susriyati Mahanal, Siti Zubaidah, and Deny Setiawan AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020008 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Enhancing students' decision-making skills through online platform-based RICOSRE
Fahrul Ghani Muhaimin, Susriyati Mahanal, Siti Zubaidah, and Deny Setiawan AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020009 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The effectiveness of online platform-based RICOSRE in improving information literacy skills
Mahdiyani Nur Fadhilah, Susriyati Mahanal, Siti Zubaidah, and Deny Setiawan AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020010 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The effect of RICOSRE via online platform on tenth-graders' analytical thinking skills in classification of living things
Izjaachwatul Diah, Susriyati Mahanal, Siti Zubaidah, and Deny Setiawan AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020011 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Implementation of PBL (problem-based learning) to improve interdisciplinary thinking skills and biology learning outcomes
Firnindia Putri, and Hadi Suwono AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020012 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Application of lesson study during the COVID-19 pandemic in online learning using problem-based learning to increase student collaboration skills
Intan Ayu Idha Wulandari, Devi Alvionita, Lia Astuti, Siti Marirotuz Zahro', Herawati Susilo, Ibrohim Ibrohim, and Ahmad Kamal Sudrajat AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020013 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Student creativity through online learning using digital mind map-assisted group investigation
Evrialiani Rosba, Siti Zubaidah, Susriyati Mahanal, and Asham Bin Jamaluddin AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020014 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The correlation between argumentation skills, collaboration skills and biology learning outcomes in high school
Fiqih Zahra, Husna Nur Wanah, Siti Zubaidah, Susriyati Mahanal, and Fitri Arsih AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020015 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The correlation between school level, gender, gadget ownership, and types of internet access in the online learning process of high school students
Sunarmi Sunarmi, Dwi Arianita Wulan Sari, and Ahmad Kamal Sudrajat AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020016 (2023) Read the article → | | | | An analysis on the relationship and genetic diversity of Indonesian cassava accessions (Manihot esculenta)
Sholeh Avivi, Fajar Firmansyah, Bella Rhea Lavifa Sanjaya, and Didik Pudji Restanto AIP Conference Proceedings 2583, 020017 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Scientific literacy and communication skills a-re significant for enhancing students' creative thinking skills
Ferry Irawan, Rabiatul Adawiyah, Siti Zubaidah, and Fitri Arsih AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020017 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Critical thinking, communication skills and biology learning outcomes: Are they correlated?
Husna Nur Wanah, Asham Bin Jamaluddin, Fiqih Zahra, Siti Zubaidah, and Fitri Arsih AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020018 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The relationship between creative thinking skills and learning motivation in improving student learning outcomes
Rabiatul Adawiyah, Ferry Irawan, Siti Zubaidah, and Fitri Arsih AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020019 (2023) Read the article → | | | |
| Pollinating insects in honey pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Dusch) and sweet corn (Zea mays L. saccharata Sturt) agroecosystems
Wilyus, Hamdan Maruli Siregar, and Mikha Rosio Hutagaol AIP Conference Proceedings 2583, 020020 (2023) Read the article → | | | | SIRI (Stimulation, Investigation, Review, and Inference) learning model to promote creative thinking
Asham Bin Jamaluddin, Siti Zubaidah, Susriyati Mahanal, and Arsad Bahri AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020020 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Online learning of cell biology from biology students' perspectives
Nur Lina Safitri, Siti Zubaidah, Fatchur Rohman, and Sulisetijono Sulisetijono AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020021 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The effect of learning cycle multiple representation model on biology students' critical thinking perceived from academic ability
Any Fatmawati, Siti Zubaidah, Sutopo Sutopo, and Susriyati Mahanal AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020022 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The implementation of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) based design thinking in the ethical dilemma story project to improve student's creative thinking and learning outcomes
Adelia Dwinta Pramashela, and Hadi Suwono AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020023 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The development of learning tools based on STEM-PjBL to increase cognitive learning outcomes for 10th grade students
Noviansyah Kusmahardhika, Triastono Imam Prasetyo, and Bela Mulia Wati AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020024 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The effects of inquiry project-based learning on the increasing student's science literacy skills and creative thinking skills
Dita Perdana, Murni Saptasari, and Hendra Susanto AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020025 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The effect of problem based learning on critical thinking skills of biology learning in Indonesia: A meta-analysis study
Dani Ramdani, Herawati Susilo, Suhadi Suhadi, and Sueb Sueb AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020026 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Physiological response of three large-seeded soybean genotypes under drought and waterlogged stress conditions
Kisman, A. Farid Hemon, Sumarjan, and Suprayanti Martia Dewi AIP Conference Proceedings 2583, 020027 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Web-based learning integrated with PBL in biology learning to encourage self-regulated learning in senior high school
Hanina Salmah, Hendra Susanto, and Hadi Suwono AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020027 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Biology students' collaboration skills in the pandemic era
Mar'atus Sholihah, Siti Zubaidah, Susriyati Mahanal, and Dwi Listyorini AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020028 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Contribution of genotype and Bayfolan foliar fertilizer on performance of arabica coffee seedlings and its genetic component
Sabam Malau, Rianto Sirait, Ferlist Rio Siahaan, and Maria Rumondang Sihotang AIP Conference Proceedings 2583, 020028 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The potency of learning models to promote metacognitive skills in biological education research: A meta-analysis
Maya Agustin, Siti Zubaidah, and Aloysius Duran Corebima AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020029 (2023) Read the article → | | | | A systematic review of genetic literacy interventions in secondary schools
Hidayati Maghfiroh, Siti Zubaidah, Susriyati Mahanal, and Hendra Susanto AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020030 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Relationship of critical thinking skills and creative thinking skills through the RANDAI learning model
Fitri Arsih, Siti Zubaidah, Heffi Alberida, and Asham Bin Jamaluddin AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020031 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Student perceptions of a TPACK-Integrated virtual classroom for genetics instruction
Erni Angraini, Mohamad Amin, Siti Zubaidah, and Hendra Susanto AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020032 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Optimation of factors affecting rubber farmer revenue to preserve their household revenue
Iman Satra Nugraha, Aprizal Alamsyah, Andi Nur Cahyo, Dwi Shinta Agustina, and Lina Fatayati Syarifa AIP Conference Proceedings 2583, 020033 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The visible designed problem solving based on ethical dilemma story learning model: High school student's perspective on problem solving process
Hidayati Maghfiroh, Hadi Suwono, Rifka Fachrunnisa, and Mohammad Sukarno Putra AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020033 (2023) Read the article → | | | | An analysis using online three tier diagnostic test: Did misconceptions occur in movement and circulatory system subjects?
Unce Uti Fadhilah, Herawati Susilo, and Murni Sapta Sari AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020034 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Azolla compost-based organomineral fertilizer for increasing N uptake, growth, and yield of green onion
Marwanto, Melisa Oktaviani Silitinga, Yudhi Harini Bertham, Merakati Handajaningsih, and Prasetyo AIP Conference Proceedings 2583, 020035 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Development of digital identification keys as an e-practicum media for plant diversity course in industry 4.0
Umi Fitriyati, Deny Setiawan, Wachidah Hayuana, and Rahmi Masita AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020035 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Enhancing prospective biology teachers' scientific argumentation skills through problem-based learning in online setting
Maisuna Kundariati, Maria Rosalia Ijung Anggur, Nanda Bhekti Fadilla, Wa Ode Nurhawa, Rahel Natalia Saragih Munthe, Aushofusy Syarifah Agustin, Zhangswe Ariandina Putri, Herawati Susilo, Ibrohim Ibrohim, and Ahmad Kamal Sudrajat AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020036 (2023) Read the article → | | | | The effectiveness application of urea fertilizer coated with compost of empty oil palm bunch in tablet formula on growth, yield, and N content of celery
Merakati Handajaningsih, Marwanto, Sri Mulyani Lubis, Teguh Adiprasetyo, and Prasetyo AIP Conference Proceedings 2583, 020036 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Compost tea as biofungicides to suppress Sclerotium rolfsii on soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.)
Supratman Al Rizal Moniteria, M. Taufik Fauzi, and Ruth Stella Petrunella Thei AIP Conference Proceedings 2583, 020037 (2023) Read the article → | | | | Implementation of problem-based learning model through lesson study for improving prospective biology teachers' communication and collaboration skills
Rahel Natalia Saragih Munthe, Aushofusy Syarifah Agustin, Zhangswe Ariandina Putri, Maisuna Kundariati, Maria Rosalia Ijung Anggur, Nanda Bhekti Fadilla, Wa Ode Nurhawa, Herawati Susilo, Ibrohim Ibrohim, and Ahmad Kamal Sudrajat AIP Conference Proceedings 2569, 020037 (2023) Read the article → | | | |
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